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m20 'head is "731 "or" 731," or made in w.germany?
please help
I think about m20' head swap
"731" is 320i or 323i,
"731,"is .......what?
only" MADE IN W.GERMANY" is .....what? ALPINA?
Wieso kein Antwort hier ? Finde ich nicht normal hier in unsere Forum Verwirrt Traurig
Darkness gone
I guess the lack of anser comes from the fact, that we do not know which car (type, model year) the cylinder head belongs to. "731" doesn't say anything to me and probably to anyone else ...
Wohl dem Synodalen, der nichts zu sagen hat und der dennoch schweigt. (Gustav Heinemann)
Based on my extensive research and practical trials on M20 heads, I know there are lots of numbers on the heads in addition to the part number. But due to the stress I have deleted all memory of exactly what numbers and text are on a M20B20. And I don't have on nearby to look at...
Darkness gone
I will look up the number of my B20 head and post it here, hope it will help your research.

Because much English is not proud, I'm sorry. It is the question about the engine of E30-323i. There are 731 '' and '731,' and an aluminum casting of 'MADE IN W.GERMANY'. Please teach what kind of process these are used by.

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