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E21 Baur in Spain
This one is a history that happen once.

Looking for an engine to a Fiat 600, I met this at the end of July of last year.

[URL=http://www.imageshack.us][Bild: 0408028mn.jpg]

Verify that the car had propietary and was not of fall.
I moved everything movable and located his current direction, not the one that was appearing in Traffic, stayed with she and bought it him for 1 Euro.

I brought it to my cave and dismantled it completely.

[URL=http://www.imageshack.us][Bild: 04110845pr.jpg]

On November, eight, it had just dismounted, it went to the coachbuilder

And from Friday I have it like that.

[URL=http://www.imageshack.us][Bild: 05031220pj.jpg]

Restored and painted in lapisblau.

I have taken the engine, transmision, brakes, etc of an E21 with 60.000 Km which owner had died and his widow guarded 12 years the car in your garage.

I am going to put the bonnet in clearer blue and the whole interior in beige.

Best regards from Madrid (Spain).
;-) <-- a little tear drops from my eye - that baur is sooo coool. Thanks for the pictures and congratulations!


Stammtisch jeden ersten Samstag im Monat!
Meine E30: http://www.pache.org/coppermine/index.php?cat=10005
me to
greetings to spain
immer einmal mehr aufstehen als man hingefallen ist--------------------------------------
neuer tag neues glück sieh nach vorne nicht zurück denn gestern war heute noch morgen

BMW 323i BJ 1982 Baur Nummer 4588 Delphin Metallic
BMW 635 CSI BJ 1985 Alpinweiß
Barkas B 1000 BJ 1978
Porsche 911 SC BJ 1982
Ola Pedro,

que piensas cuando puedes finir los trabajos con tu coche?

Desaria verlo cuando esta finido Zwinker

Feinstaub aus Leidenschaft
Wuerde mich auch interessieren Fettes Grinsen
Stammtisch jeden ersten Samstag im Monat!
Meine E30: http://www.pache.org/coppermine/index.php?cat=10005
I wanted to finish the restoration for 1º of June.

I am sorry to can't have it for May 15, the holiday more important of Madrid, in that one organizes a parade of classic along the walk of the La Castellana.

I will put photos when ends it.

Best regards.

I do not find the seals ruber to the hadtop. Wallothnesch don't have.

Does someone know where it might buy them?.

Best Regards.

At your local BMW dealer.
The seal in front has got the spare parts number 51 71 0 006 305 and the seal for the left, the right and the back side has got the number 51 71 0 006 304.

Good Luck!
Alles für den 3er - alles für den Club!
Anderi: Danken Sie Ihnen sehr viel, thank you very much, gracias.

Best regards.
Finally I have finised 316 Baur restoration.

I celebrate with both the 30 years of e21

[URL=http://imageshack.us][Bild: 05071055be.jpg]

Best regards.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Sonne Sehr schon! Sonne

Gr Jeroen
[*]323i Baur TC2 B43403-14 ‘85
[*]320i Baur TC2 B43420-13 ‘85
[*]325iX Baur TC2 B47095-13 ´87
[*]325iX Baur TC2 B47172-13 ´87
wieder einer mehr
immer einmal mehr aufstehen als man hingefallen ist--------------------------------------
neuer tag neues glück sieh nach vorne nicht zurück denn gestern war heute noch morgen

BMW 323i BJ 1982 Baur Nummer 4588 Delphin Metallic
BMW 635 CSI BJ 1985 Alpinweiß
Barkas B 1000 BJ 1978
Porsche 911 SC BJ 1982
Gefällt mir. Fettes Grinsen Noch besser gefällt mir das Wetter in Spanien. Sonne Sonne Sonne Sonne
Der, der eigentlich einen 02 Baur gesucht hatte....
My 30 years birthday E21 celebration.

[URL=http://imageshack.us][Bild: 05080911fg.jpg]

[URL=http://imageshack.us][Bild: 05080928no.jpg]

[URL=http://imageshack.us][Bild: 05080970fa.jpg]

[URL=http://imageshack.us][Bild: 050809108yd.jpg]

[URL=http://imageshack.us][Bild: 050809113vl.jpg]

Best regards.

Gratulacion y saludos cordiales!

Feinstaub aus Leidenschaft
In reply to K. Cehreth

I was finished the car and I have do more 4000 Km without problems.

I send two photos of my Baur of the article that the MOTOR CLASICO will publish in the next months.

Best regards.


Hai Pedro,

Your car is beautifull. I bought my Baur 323i in La Xara, near Denia in Spain.. You can see it in the photo album of Hans Hein.
Unfortenately fotr the car, it now is in the cold Netherlands.http://rapidshare.de/files/11237137/Baur_Cabrio_mit_Christine.jpg.html

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